You're a coach, but are you a leader?

A 6 session course for coaches who want less drama and more alignment, less gossip and more commitment, less frustration and more winning.

A course for coaches who want to become leaders.

A $1500 value for just $99.


**If you are an AD or administrator and want to get it for all or some of your coaches for just $499, click HERE.

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More Self-Awareness

Better leadership starts with understanding and leading yourself first. 

Better Communication

Learn to increase clarity and decrease drama, gossip and frustration. 

Higher Performance

Culture drives performance, and leadership drives culture.


Join coaches from these programs (and more) who are using this course to level up their leadership

Coaching today is about more than coaching. It's about leadership.

You know your sport. You've kept up with the latest and greatest advancements to give your team a competitive edge. Yet you still have drama, disconnect, lack of buy-in, gossip. The team isn't performing up to their potential.

In the corporate world, you often hear that there is a difference between managers and leaders. In sport, there is a difference between coaches and leaders.

Coaches know the X's and O's. Leaders know themselves, their staff and their team, and are able to create a culture that empowers high performance. But it doesn't happen on accident.

If leaders define culture, it's time to become a better leader.

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Meet Your Instructors

Kevin DeShazo is the co-founder of Culture Wins and author of the best-seller, Keep Chopping Wood: an ordinary approach to achieving extraordinary success. He regularly consults and coaches some of the top leaders and teams in college athletics.

Jeremie Kubicek is the co-founder of Culture Wins, co-founder and Executive Chairman of GiANT, and has written several books, including the WSJ best-seller Making Your Leadership Come Alive, and coaches top executives around the globe.

What will you learn?

Session 1: Understand how power shapes influence, and learn to use your personal power for the good of those you lead
Session 2: Becoming an expert in you, learning what it's like to be on the other side of your leadership
Session 3: learn how to lead yourself well, no matter the situation
Session 4: Learn how to live and lead intentionally, rather than accidentally
Session 5: learn a system to help you maximize your time in order to invest in your relationships while also being productive
Session 6: get a game plan for the key relationships in your life


Be more than a coach worth playing for. Be a leader worth following.

If leaders define culture, it's time to become the leader you were meant to be.

A $1500 value for just $99.

**if you are an AD or administrator and want to get it for all or some of your coaches for just $499, click HERE.

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