The Coach Performance System by BETTER

Join over 500 coaches and leaders from Power 5 schools with national presences to high school coaches in non-revenue sports to manage your chaos, develop your people, and improve your program's performance with the CPS.
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Coaches are performers too. Yet most coaches feel overwhelmed and are on the edge of burnout. They want to be great leaders, they want an elite staff, they want a healthy culture that leads to high performance. But they feel stuck.
After working with some of the top coaches in sport - from national champions to conference champions to state champions - we've taken what we learned and built a system designed specifically for coaches to optimize their leadership to better lead themselves, their staff and team. It's called The Coach Performance System.
The Coach Performance System has three sections created to take a coach through a personal leadership journey where they will build systems to manage their chaos, develop their people, and improve their team’s performance. This suite of on-demand assessments, tools, courses, and resources is designed to maximize the potential of your team.
And we're giving you 3 videos from the Coach Performance System for FREE.